
BA5: Bay of Plenty Regional Council

Our first BA5 for 2021 got off to a cracking start, with more than 100 guests, as well as BOP Regional Council Toi Moana staff and councillors, welcomed into the chambers. 

Looking out over the harbour and Matapihi Rail Bridge, there was no better location for an after work get-together.

Formalities began with a karakia from Reuben Gardiner, followed by a quick introduction and housekeeping by Tauranga Chamber of Commerce CEO Matt Cowley. He paid special tribute to councillor Jane Nees, who was once a CEO of the Chamber – though, jokingly he wouldn’t say when.

Regional council CE Fiona McTavish then took to the mic and explained a bit more about what the council does in the region and dispelled some of the misconceptions. These included the fact that they were only Tauranga focused (their reach extends to Whakatane and to Rotorua) and their part to play in protecting the land, air and water.

As always, at the end of the speeches, Matt presented some of the new members attending with their Chamber certificates and an opportunity to introduce themselves.

Thank you to all who attended.

Our next BA5 will be a combined effort with the tenants of The Vault co-working space: Tompkins Wake, Hobson Wealth and EY. 

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