
Chamber evolution to meet rapidly changing environment

As one of the fastest-growing regions in Aotearoa New Zealand, it’s no surprise that the Western Bay of Plenty business community is moving quickly to keep pace with its operating environment.

A long-standing lynchpin for the Western Bay, the Tauranga Business Chamber is also evolving to ensure it can continue delivering on its promise to support regional businesses and their rapidly changing needs.

“We are a small and agile team who regularly punch above our weight,” says Chamber Chief Executive Matt Cowley.

“We serve a diverse business community who have evolving requirements, including a growing demand for insights, and capability in new and emerging technologies, so we can help members anticipate what’s coming over the horizon.

“To enable us to respond to these changing needs, while continuing to seamlessly deliver our usual suite of services, we have made some strategic changes to our structure. This includes the creation of two new roles – a Communications and Events Manager, and a Digital Marketing and Events Coordinator.”

Cowley says the new Communications and Events Manager role will act as ‘head of content’, exploring new trends and opportunities, and set the Chamber’s events and communications plan for the Coordinator to execute.

The Chamber has also made changes to its business contracts team, including the creation of new Contracts Manager / Innovation Navigator and RBP Growth Advisor roles.

“These changes coincide with a couple of highly valued employees moving on from their roles at the Chamber – Anne Pankhurst (‘Long-serving Manager departs Tauranga Chamber‘) and Craig Purcell. Recruitment for the new roles will start shortly,” said Cowley.

Chamber chairperson, Jamie Lunam, says the changes streamline operations and honour the Chamber’s commitment to the community.

“We’re building on the strong foundations made by staff and previous boards to ensure the Tauranga Business Chamber continues to serve our members with even greater cohesion and clarity, now and in the future,” says Lunam.

“The Chamber’s new board is very excited for the organisation’s future, as we advance our mission to support and champion people in business.”

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