
The Chamber & COVID-19 Protection Framework

For Tauranga Chamber of Commerce, the protection of our people and our business community is paramount.

For the foreseeable future, we will be taking a precautionary approach to our events and our engagement with the business community as the Government’s COVID-19 Protection Framework and associated requirements are rolled out.


Our team members have all chosen to be fully vaccinated.


The Chamber will host events (including training courses) with vaccination entry requirements under the NZ Government’s new COVID-19 Protection Framework.

Operating in this way is essential for providing certainty for our business community, as it means we will be able to hold events under each level, instead of needing to cancel or postpone due to COVID-19.

This means all attendees to any Chamber event will need to provide proof of double vaccination when checking in to our events using the vaccination certificate from My Vaccine Pass.

Under the Protection Framework, face coverings are still recommended and, in some instances, are mandatory. All attendees are also required to scan in using the supplied QR Code.

You can find out more about operating events under the new traffic light system here. 


Any visitors entering the Chamber office at 65 Chapel Street will need to follow the instructions of Shared Workspaces NZ, as we work in a multi-tenancy building with shared facilities.

For meetings off-site, including in local businesses, Chamber staff can decide how they wish to engage with our community.

At businesses where a vaccine pass is not required, our staff may choose alternative options to meeting at the customer’s site (such as meeting at another venue requiring vaccine passes, meeting virtually, or postponing until ‘green’ status) if the circumstances pose unnecessary risk to their personal safety. In the interests of health and safety, the Chamber will fully support their decision.

This is an evolving situation, and we will continue to review our policy to ensure it remains relevant and aligned to new developments. We appreciate your understanding.

To discuss our position, please contact CEO Matt Cowley on 

COVID-19 Resurgence Support Scheme


The Government has announced the next stage of the COVID-19 response plan to provide a pathway out of lockdown and give vaccinated New Zealanders more freedom.

Key dates

  • 17 November – My Vaccine Pass is made available to the public.
  • 29 November – Cabinet will confirm the decision to move Auckland and the rest of New Zealand into the new traffic light system.
  • 15 December – People travelling out of Auckland will need to be fully vaccinated, or have a negative test 72 hours prior to departure, to leave Auckland and visit other parts of the country. This requirement will remain in place during the core summer period, until 17 January 2022.

In the coming weeks, the Government will also announce further information about how testing, contact tracing, care in the community and social support will be provided for those who get COVID-19. Detailed individual sector guidance for the new traffic light system will also be released. 

Find out more here. 

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